Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Congrats to the ‪#‎Sudanese‬ civil society activists the U.S. GLD1

"It's been more than two years in the making--finally the US government has lifted technology sanctions on Sudan! Thanks to everyone who's worked on this campaign at some point or another. That day has come! The full text of the amendment is here, and the table on the last two pages summerizes all the hardware and software that is authorized."- Dalia Hag Omer

Congrats to the ‪#‎Sudanese‬ civil society activists and everyone who worked hard to convince the U.S. Gov. to ease the ‪#‎TechSanctions‬

Detailed document:


وصفحة الحملة:


واشنطن ترفع الحظر عن إرسال أجهزة كمبيوتر إلى السودان

Expanding Avenues to the Internet for Sudanese Users

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