Thursday, October 30, 2008

Someone Should Say Something about Sudan, Darfur!

Someone Should Say Something about Sudan, Darfur!

Anour F.A. Dafa-Alla*

Since the outbreak of the crisis in the stricken Darfur region in 2003, the Sudanese government continued to disregard the approach, underestimates the size of the crisis and its impact on the troubled Darfur region, Sudan, the regional and International security. 

Amid the information blackout policy succeeded in the often dictatorial governments, the Sudanese people have become indifferent to the crisis, all of the opinion is contrary to the government are just agents for America and Israel

The government used all the tools of the dictatorship government in mobilizing the media and to mobilize people in the Sudan for lining up behind criminalization of the population Camps of displaced persons who did not survive a barrage of bullets and rocket-governmental organizations and the latest violence has occurred by the Government itself in the Kalma camp for displaced persons in Western Darfur, August of this year by a direct orders from the head of the State, General Omar Elbashir. 

Says United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, that the causes of the Darfur crisis environmental ... Yes, that's why, but one of the major reasons, but this reason is less compared to the political reason, the government is not seriously willing to solve the conflict politically.

The president of Sudan kept using terms such as: Traitor and Agent against Darfurian rebel movements several times, while he’s calling for unconditional peace!

There is no peace base in the time being, that’s why not only the Qatari Initiative on Darfur will fail, but also the coming initiatives as well, if the Government of Sudan continued on the same way of handling issues.

he singing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in January 2005 has ended the longest wars in
Africa, which struck southern Sudan ... where 200-thousand people died and 2.5 Million people are displaced or refugees.


During that War, the dictatorship government of Sudan, used Islam as a tool to achieve certain pragmatic goals. After the signing of the CPA, People in the rest of Sudan, changed their mind about our late Hero Dr. Garang De Mabior, who was calling for Unity of Sudan under new rules, concluded in his great vision of New Sudan.

What’s important to be mentioned is that the dictatorship in Khartoum is fully using the entire propaganda to portray the opposition have a traitor, While using the term "Western propaganda" to underestimate Darfur crisis at home.


The main factors behind the current crisis in Darfur could be concluded as follows:

- Population increase, the number of the people of Darfur and a half million in 1956 to six million and a half now.

 -Ecological (environmental)

  Desertification, soil erosion, and loss of soil fertility have led to conflict over land, pastoralists against farmers, and the conflict over resources.

 - Political factor
 the political failure of successive governments in the establishment of decentralized governance, and real government intervention in the conflict and support of some elements over others, Weakening the role of the civil groups (tribal leaders and sultans), and the support of the communist state of
China to Government in international forums such as the Security Council.

- The impact of the peace deal between the government and former rebels in the south after 23 years of war, won the SPLM most significant gains autonomy for southern Sudan 
- Economic factors
 the recent discovery of oil in

-The ambitions of some African States and the European and American (proxy wars!)

 I had the opportunity to explain the in details the reasons above, during a lecture for a group of Korean students in Hankuk University for Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea ... And I was pleased about the interaction of those students and their questions that showed awareness about the humanitarian problem of Darfur region... so I wrote about that in one of the famous Sudanese websites on the Internet (

The Embassy of Sudan in Seoul protested officially to the Korean Foreign Ministry, not only that but the embassy also contacted the professor overseeing my research to obtain a doctorate.

  Korea is a democratic country and unavailable to freedom of speech and expression. 
If diplomatic efforts to prosecute the opposition voices, even in democratic countries, then imagine how government will handle the deal through and through army-backed Janjaweed militias against opponents at home? Given the humanitarian situation is very bad in
Darfur now? 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

*Anour Dafa-Alla, Phd Computer Science Candidate Chungbuk National University, South Korea

References: Several Internet sites, avialable upon request.

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الى متى؟
أتق الله يا عمر البشير، ربنا في والسودانيين أحوج ما يكون !

إعتذار للرئيس السوداني عمر البشير، حول حسن ظني في المبلغ!

حول ردود الأفعال كتبت صحيفة سودان تربيون الناطقة باللغة الإنجليزية مقالاً حول إنتقادات الناس للرئيس البشير وذلك عندما أعطى 35 سيارة للمنتخب المصري الزائر ومعها بقشيش 15 ألف دولار في يد كل لاعب أو إداري

هنا الموضوع الأول
Sudan president faces condemnation over ‘expensive’ gift to Egypt squad

وهنا الموضوع الثاني
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